2020 Edition

The nineth edition of the Global Competitiveness Program for SMEs (GCPyMES) was held during three weeks in the School of Economics of the Universidad Nacional Del Litoral (UNL), from 29th August to 18th September, 2020. The Program was attended by 21 students, 8 students from Universitá Politecnica delle Marche (Italy), 3 from Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (Germany), and 10 students from the School of Economics of the Universidad Nacional Del Litoral (Argentina).

This program gives students the opportunity to get in contact with real companies in Argentina presenting real problems they face.  It is a challenging experience where not only attendants put in practice the knowledge they got at regular courses but most importantly, offers the opportunity to communicate, work and share with colleagues from other parts of the world, working together in a consultancy-like experience.

Final Report