Edición 2024

El Programa de Competitividad Global para Pymes abre la inscripción a estudiantes de grado para el cursado de un programa donde el participante desarrollará habilidades mediante una experiencia de consultoría realizada con empresas locales reales. Los consultores trabajarán en la solución de problemáticas de internacionalización, comercialización, marketing, etc. con equipos interdisciplinarios y colegas de Italia y Alemania.

El programa se llevará a cabo entre el 5 y el 16 de agosto, en modalidad presencial, full time.

El cupo es limitado y se realizará una selección entre los postulantes.

Consultas e inscripción: gcp@unl.edu.ar

Cupos limitados.




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About the Program

The Global Competitiveness Program for SMEs (GCP) is an international training program to do consulting work, especially focused on Small and Medium Enterprises that aim to enter into the international competitiveness environment.

This is a joint development program between the School of Economics “G. Fuà” of the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy, and the School of Economics of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL), and is based on the developed experience of the Italian school with the College of Business at Ohio University, USA, that have been working on this program for 20 (10) years.

The project aims to improve students’ intercultural experience, by working in multinational teams doing business consulting and solving real problems for real companies. Students must prepare a business plan to be delivered, in the last day of the program, to the company’s management. Professors from both schools will be tutors and advisors to the teams.

The proposed assignments will be based on real companies of the region of the School of Economics, UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina, and they will be focused on any aspect of their international performance. Due to its characteristics, the entire program is conducted in English.

Contact information: gcp@unl.edu.ar